Monday, January 4, 2010

ReCap 2009

In December of 2008 I went to Randolph and expressed to him that I felt that God had something big coming our way in the way of outreach. We continued to pray and seek God in directing us; and at the end of February 2009 we and a few other couples were approached by a couple to pray about planting a church. It would be an outreach focused church. We went to lunch and talked and both felt very much at peace and excited about it. We knew that there would be much sacrifice, financially and time; but still felt this is where God had called us to be. So at the beginning of March 2009 we committed fully to the Church Plant of The Basic Movement: Through-out the year we have done some outreach through Dallas Life Foundation and had to remember that God is the head and that he would lead the Movement to the focus that he wanted. We are going to officially launch January 10, 2010.

Daniel turned 2 and was still having GI issues among other things. He was still getting blood drawn every 3mon and also having severe stomach problems. It all came to a head at the end of March; and we scheduled for his 3rd out-patient surgery at Children’s. The results were the same; nothing was found to make since of what was going on his body. At this point we choice as parents to take gluten out of his diet (no matter what the upper-GI said) along with others. When I started researching on the internet (through creditable medical sites) what I found was that his body naturally lined up with the Autism Diet. So I dug deeper. Now I was in the soup bowl of what was Autism, Autism Spectrum, and all other Disabilities listed under DSM-VI. Randolph and I both automatically said Daniel wasn’t autistic. Of course we had the image that most people do; the image a child (mostly boys) sitting by themselves spinning things really fast or rocking; looking as if they are severally disabled. Through talking with his pediatrician and doing some preliminary tests by 3 different Specialist’s it was found that Daniel has a Neurological Disorder called SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder). After getting him on the strict diet, doing a sensory diet and other extras Daniel experienced his first full night of sleep without stomach pains or night terror symptoms. It was a breath of fresh air. He now gets OT twice a week and Speech Therapy twice a month. He will always have to stay on the “Autistic Diet” and over time he will learn to self sooth/and regulate. It is a daily learning experience for everyone in the family and some have of course accepted and others haven’t; but Randolph and I stay focused on the positive that we now see in our son. I will talk even more in-depth on my feelings/thinking on Autism and such later on; maybe in a different tab.

Douglas turned 1 in July and started walking at 13 months. I do admit I probably cuddle him way more then I should and am experiencing the ramifications. J He is VERY MUCH his Daddy, very calm and almost sedate. He is the quite type when he is getting into trouble. I call him my little cook as he wants to be in the kitchen whenever anyone is cooking. He doesn’t have many words, but he can sure scream! We are still waiting for him to sleep through the night more than a week at a time. He too seems to have Lactose Intolerance and we limit his Gluten as well.

Thanksgiving brought a new great-Grandpa to my sons; as my Mimi (mom’s mom) got married to a wonderful man named Dave. So we were able to go down and celebrate Thanksgiving and the Wedding in Houston. It was a great time for me to meet and introduce my sons to my Aunt and her family for the first time and for Mimi to see Douglas. I also meet some of my extend-extended family and to meet Dave’s daughter and some of his family. We truly need to make more of an effort in 2010 to go down and see her and all my extended family that I miss dearly.

Christmas came too fast and we chose to stay home and do Christmas here. Invite some friends over and just keep it simple. I do have to say that I asked God for a white Christmas since we wouldn’t be able to make it up to Kansas City; and he gave me a beautiful Christmas Eve; but along with that no one was able to get out to see us. Oh well….

As the end of the year came, I had realized that I needed to remember to take time for me and God, and that my desires had started to change. I keep reminding myself to keep my eyes on God, and life in swelled with him and he will direct our way as He sees fit to glorify His name.

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